Medical necessity is used to describe care that is reasonable, necessary and/or appropriate,
based on evidence-based clinical standards of care. Prior authorization is a process through
which an issuer approves a request to access a covered benefit before the insured accesses the benefit.
Medical necessity is defined a medically necessary services or supplies needed to prevent, diagnose
or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine.
Referral/Authorization Process
If your PCP determines that you need more tests, specialty care or hospitalization, your PCP may
send a referral to CommunityCare or your network's referral Center asking that the plan authorize those services. If you don’t get prior authorization, you may have to pay up to the full amount of the charges.
Your PCP and, when appropriate, your specialist will be notified of the referral decision and
recommendations. If more tests or treatments are recommended or if hospitalization is needed, an
authorization will be sent to the appropriate provider.
Some referrals are automatically approved by Medical Management staff using network and national
criteria. Your PCP knows which services are automatically approved and can arrange your initial
visit without the need for further action by CommunityCare. If a medically urgent referral request
is received for services that require CommunityCare's prior authorization, CommunityCare's Medical
Management staff will process the referral within 24-48 hours. If sufficient information is not
provided to make a determination, CommunityCare will request the specific information from the
provider before making a decision. In this case, you will receive notification of the decision
within 72 hours of receipt.
For non-urgent services that require CommunityCare's prior authorization, your PCP will refer you
to a specialist or hospital affiliated with your PCP's network. If CommunityCare authorizes the
referral, you will receive written confirmation of the determination from CommunityCare. You may
also call Customer Service at 1-800-777-4890,
or at (918) 594-5242 in Tulsa. Your PCP will be
notified if CommunityCare denies the referral, and you and your PCP will have the right to appeal
that denial in accordance with CommunityCare's Pre-Service Claim determination appeal procedures.
If your PCP submits a referral for Medically Necessary care that is not available within CommunityCare's
provider network, CommunityCare will identify an appropriate out-of-network provider and issue a
pre-authorization for that service. You will be financially responsible for applicable deductible,
copayments and/or coinsurance, and other non-medical expenses, such as transportation and lodging.
If medically appropriate care is available within CommunityCare's provider network, but you choose
to receive care from an out-of-network provider, CommunityCare will deny payment for those services.