Employee Assistance Program Workplace Integration

Workplace integration services are those services, which are required to ensure full understanding, cooperation and effective utilization of the EAP. A CommunityCare EAP professional will work with your company to ensure that each of the following key areas is implemented.

Key Management Orientation

One or meetings with key management will occur to describe the program, explain the scope of services and secure top-level support.

Supervisor Training

The EAP constitutes an effective "people management" tool for all supervisors. Supervisors are important to overall program success because they are in the best position to observe deteriorating job performance. Supervisor intervention into job problems must stem from observation and documentation of poor performance patterns, not from unprofessional and risky "diagnosis" of personal problems. Therefore, training must provide information, skill development and effective documentation procedures, which increases comfort in addressing poor job performance. Basic training will cover these essential aspects of the EAP:

  • Policy and goals
  • Integration of the EAP into existing Company procedures
  • Intervention mechanics
  • Individual case consultation procedures
  • Awareness to Alcohol/Drugs in the workplace
  • Documentation
  • Identification of Substance Abuse

All training will be developed and delivered in conjunction with the Company training department. Other pertinent details regarding training might include:

  • Up to two hours training annually for all supervisors
  • 15-20 supervisors per session
  • Advanced training for ongoing sessions addressing positive supervisor and management skills.
  • Additional seminars will be offered or developed to meet the needs of the company.

Manager/Supervisor Case Consultation

Individual telephone consultation will be provided to managers/supervisors with regard to:

  • Program procedures
  • Evolving performance problems of employees
  • Intervention approach/plan
  • Employee referral
  • Case follow-up

It is important that managers/supervisors understand that the EAP is a resource for assisting them in performing their job to maximum effectiveness, and that seeking individualized assistance is encouraged and recognized as a sign of an effective manager/supervisor.